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Bachelor Student Interview: Meet Bertram Pak Hei Cheung

EHL Insights
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Bertram Pak Hei Cheung, is an EHL bachelor student from Hong Kong. He came to Switzerland in 2016 to pursue his dream of hospitality. He transferred to EHL thanks to the Direct Entry Program.

Discover his interview: 

Why did you choose to do the Bachelor program?

I have always known hospitality is where I am heading in my life because to me, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a guest going back home fully satisfied.

I feel a sense of achievement when guests bid farewell and thank me for my service.

Hospitality is a growing industry and demand for hospitality professional is surging. It is very difficult to get to the desired position without applicable knowledge and insight.

Upon knowing that EHL, the world Number 1 hospitality school, offers a direct entry program. I took this chance to elevate my knowledge and better prepare myself for the future. 


What were your expectations before arriving?

Before I arrive, I already knew that it was going to be challenging. Being challenged is by no means a bad thing, because that is how human beings learn. New ideas are developed because of challenges and upon applying to EHL, I was ready for challenges and I was more than willing to be challenged.

Besides, I was also fully aware of how international the school is. My expectation was very high because of its reputation in both academics and student support, and reality does not disappoint.

Bachelor in International Hospitality Management  See business through customers’ eyes. Enter the job market with a leader’s  perspective.  Discover how we train our students to put customers first.  Discover

You have been here a couple of months now, what is your favorite thing about:

The campus?

What I like most about the campus is that there are 5 Food and Beverage outlets and we can try out different cuisines every day. It is impressive for a school to have 5 outlets when many hotels don’t offer more than one.

The city of Chur?

My favorite thing about the city of Chur is the quietness and tranquility. The environment is exceptionally clean and people are so nice that you quickly feel as part of the family. Not to mention the expansive Lanquart outlet that fits all shopaholics.

The classes?

I like that the class sizes are small in Passugg, it allows better interactions between the students and the professors. Classes are also very interactive and whenever we have questions, we are not intimidated to ask questions. it brings the student body also closer together and integration is facilitated. 

What do you like doing in your free time?

I enjoy reading blogs about airlines and hotels during my free time. Not only do these blogs give me opportunities to dream about staying in those hotels, but also give me insight on the latest hospitality trends.

What are you most looking forward to?

What I am looking forward to the most right now is my internship. The career fair in Lausanne got me in touch with employers and I have a number of interviews coming up this week. Long term, I am also looking forward to the SBP (Student Business Projects), the unique opportunity we are given as EHL bachelor students, to put in practice our knowledge.

What is your dream job?

My dream job is to become a successful salesperson in a luxury hotel chain. I enjoy talking to people and sharing what I am passionate about. I am very fortunate for having had the chance to work in the sales department at W Hotels before, and I am glad that I found something that I truly enjoy doing and willing to pursue.

Photo credit: W Hotels

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Interested in the Direct Entry Bachelor that only takes 3 semesters?

On EHL Campus Passugg the Direct Entry Bachelor in International Hospitality Management is offered to students who already have academic and practical hospitality experience. Download the brochure to learn more.