Hospitality News & Business Insights by EHL

EHL Insights is a central source of actionable insights into the World of Hospitality, Business & Education

Student Resources
Where do EHL family members hang out while in Paris?

Where do EHL family members hang out while in Paris?

As EHL Alumni prepare for their annual gala in Paris, they shared with us their recommendations for the perfect Paris stay. And...
EHL Passugg
Why do Chefs wear white?

Why do Chefs wear white?

EHL Advisory Services
What is your management style?

What is your management style?

Restaurant Management
Michelin stars or how to make a chef's career?

Michelin stars or how to make a chef's career?

For a chef, gaining a Michelin star can make a career, paving the way for further investment in their restaurant and brand....
Hospitality Industry
Tourist happiness is a tool that can boost ‘life satisfaction’ for tourists as well as for the general population.

10 factors influencing tourist happiness

Student Resources
7 most common mistakes made on LinkedIn

7 most common mistakes made on LinkedIn

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